Join us to help preserve and protect the C&O Canal National Historical Park! Volunteers provide critical assistance in the maintenance and preservation of the Park’s natural, cultural, historical, and recreational assets. You can participate individually, with your family, or as part of a larger group.

Canal Community Days
Canal Community Days is the Trust’s annual public volunteer program. Each year, we recruit and manage hundreds of volunteers to undertake a range of preservation, beautification, maintenance, and conservation projects along the 184.5 mile length of the C&O Canal National Historical Park, working closely with the National Park Service to identify priorities that can be completed by volunteers of all ages.

Corporate and Nonprofit Stewardship Opportunities
Your company or organization can spend a day along the C&O Canal, building team spirit and working on special projects that contribute to the Park’s ongoing beautification and preservation.

School and Youth Organization Volunteer Opportunities
School-affiliated and community youth organizations in collaboration with the Trust can plan a volunteer project in the Park. Spend a day helping us preserve the Park for future generations.

Family and Individual Volunteer Opportunities
What better way to spend your day than volunteering for the C&O Canal National Historical Park? Check out these options for families and individuals.

Canal Stewards
Canal Stewards are long-term volunteers who “adopt” sections of the Park and take responsibility for its general upkeep over a designated time period.

Join a team of Quartermasters who support guests staying in lockhouses as part of the C&O Canal Trust’s Canal Quarters program. Quartermasters are on-call for overnight guests, assist with lockouts, and perform light maintenance as needed.

Event Volunteer Opportunities
The C&O Canal Trust hosts fundraising events each year that require the help of over 100 volunteers. Our events are not possible without the help of our local community volunteers. The C&O Canal National Historical Park is a unique treasure, and your contribution as a volunteer with the C&O Canal Trust ensures the Park remains safe, beautiful, and welcoming for future generations.
Please contact [email protected].
Top Photo by Paul Graunke